SAP Certified Partner

Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company

Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company

Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company

Das Unternehmen

Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company LLC develops, manufactures, and supplies turbo compressor and turboexpander products for customers in the United States and internationally. Its products include air separation expanders, centrifugal air compressors, centrifugal gas compressors, hydrocarbon turboexpanders, and expansion turbines.

The key success factor for the compley SAP implementation in our company was the close and very efficient cooperation between the Atlas Copco own organization and the UNIORG SAP experts across borders.

James T. Reilly,

PE, General Manager


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Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company

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